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Национално средно училище "София"

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 The school was created as an experiment in 1990 (151 SOUPI –Secondary Comprehensive School Profiled by Interests) by a team of experts in educational design and implementation. In the school year 2002-2003 by an order from the Minister of Education and Science the school was transformed into National Secondary Comprehensive School “Sofia” (NSOU “Sofia”).  For the first time in country, the innovation model of the school includes pedagogical, psychological, and information departments and electronic processing of the school documentation.  The tutoring activities are delegated to the advisory-teachers.  Subsequently a Fitness Centre, a Centre for Activities of Interest and a Psychology Correction Group for children with educational and behavior problems were created.  Since its inauguration until now, educational programs and plans approved by the Ministry of Education and Science have been implemented in NSOU Sofia for the following profiles:  “Law”, “Public Administration”, “Administrative and Business Management”, “Tourism Organization”, “Program Products and Systems”, “Publishing and Mass Communication”, “Health and Ecology”, “Fashion Design”, “Art Textile”, “Art Ceramics”, “Interior Design”, “Audiovision”, and “Theatre”.  Approved university teachers, acting judges, prosecutors and lawyers, famous artists are invited as lecturers.  The design and implementation of the pedagogy activities in the school are based on contemporary scientific methods characteristic to the educational achievements of the world educational practices and strategies. 
There are numerous students that the school is proud of:
Vilma Stoyanova – 1st award in the national competition “International Fashion Awards ‘Smirnoff’”;
Ivet Lalova – the fastest white woman in the world;
Dafinka Kostova – Health program hostess at BBT;
Alex Raeva – singer and fashion designer;
Lydmila Kovacheva – multiple world champion in acrobatic gymnastics;
Dimitar Grudev – chairman of the Club of Young Scientists;
Atanas Mihaylov-Nasko – “Up Down” band and TV host;
Ventsislav Ignatov – chairman of the Central Police Taekwondo Club;
Boris Milanov – winner of the first National Olympiad in History and Civilization (7th grade); etc.
NSU "Sofia" is partnering successfully with schools from a number of European countries in the Comenius program for a project on “Information technologies in the contemporary European education”.